Önskar att du skulle fatta hur mycket jag älskar dig.

If you jump I jump.
I thought it would be us forever.
But sorry, I was wrong.
I thought you loved me.
but you did not.
You lied to me.
I cried for you.
I was worried every day that you would leave me.
You did well.
I wish it was us.
I wish that you would love me.
I loved you for who you are not the person you can be.
I thought you knew how much I loved you.
I thought I got it for you.
With lyrics, with words, with kisses, with hugs and with all my love I had for you.
The day you left me ..
That day, I will always remember.
I have loved you for more than two years.
I wish I could kiss you again.
But it's just something I can dream of.
For it is over.
There will never be you and me again ..
I want to ..
but it will never happen ..


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